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Exterior Painting Guide

STEP 2 – Choose the right primer

Priming is a key step in painting. Priming before painting ensures superior adhesion of the paint to the surface.  It also helps cover darker-colored paints and stains, and creates a smoother, more even finish. There are many different types of primers, each suited for a particular surface, such as drywall, metal or concrete, etc. or to address a particular problem, such as to cover up stains or to prevent tannin bleeding, etc. Cloverdale Paint offers the following premium exterior primers for each surface type:


Premium Water Based Primer is a high-hiding, low VOC waterborne acrylic primer for use on a variety of previously painted or new exterior and interior surfaces, while Need a product here? is a high-hiding, low VOC waterborne alkyd primer for use on a variety of previously painted or new exterior and interior surfaces that provides excellent enamel holdout and tannin stain resistance on woods such as redwood and cedar, that are typically subject to stain bleeding.


Premium Classic Latex Block Filler is a heavy-bodied acrylic latex primer/filler that fills and bridges voids and cracks in porous cinder blocks and concrete blocks.


Prime Solutions Stain Blocking Primer is an acrylic multi-purpose primer that provides superior adhesion, outstanding stain-blocking, excellent enamel holdout and great hide.


Formworx Concrete Conditioner is an acrylic latex primer/sealer that provides superior adhesion and outstanding resistance to efflorescence and alkali.


Ecologic WB Shop Primer is a Rust Preventative primer utilizing acrylic waterborne technology with excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance on exterior ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including galvanized steel, aluminum and more.

Cloverdale Paint Inorganic Zinc Primer is a solvent-borne, Rust Preventative primer utilizing alkyd technology that offers excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance on exterior ferrous metals.