Vision & Values

Social Responsibility

Giving Back to Our Communities

Cloverdale Paint and its employees have been active members of their communities across Western Canada for years. Neighbourhoods surrounding Cloverdale stores and next to where we live have benefited from donations and discount programs that help enhance our quality of life. As a local manufacturer with strong family ties, Cloverdale Paint understands the need for charity and we are happy to support our local communities.

2024 Sustainability Report

Cloverdale Paint’s 2024 sustainability report highlights the steps we are taking to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and provide innovative and sustainable products that help people, the planet, and the communities around us.

2024 Sustainability Report_Cloverdale Paint


Cloverdale Paint Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Stabilization Unit (CAPSU)

A state-of-the-art unit for children and adolescents with urgent mental health issues is available at Surrey Memorial Hospital. CAPSU is home to a multi-sensory environment used to help reduce agitation and anxiety and stimulate and encourage communication, the first of its kind for children and youth in a hospital psychiatric unit in Canada. 

CAPSU will serve young people from across the Fraser Health region, aged six to 17, who need a five- to seven-day stay in hospital for stabilization. Cloverdale Paint and the Vogel Family have contributed $1 million to the new unit through the Surrey Hospital & Outpatient Centre Foundation.

"Cloverdale Paint has supported health care and education in the regions that we operate in for many years. When we heard about the pressing need for a child and youth mental health unit in our community, our family, Board of Directors and Management Group decided it was time to make the largest charitable donation in our 84-year history. These young people deserve the best possible care, and we are proud to be part of CAPSU."   Tim Vogel, Chairman & CEO, Cloverdale Paint.

United Way

United Way

For more than two decades, once a year, Cloverdale Paint employees pool their efforts and give back to their communities through their donations to United Way. Cloverdale Paint has a contribution matching policy for adding to the donations directed by the individual employee.


Cloverdale Paint is involved in many projects and donations that are too numerous to list. If you are interested in other events or for more information, please reach out to your local Cloverdale Paint store.

September 30th:  National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation has been created by the Canadian Federal Government to allow Canadians an opportunity to recognize and honour the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Residential schools operated between the 1870s and 1997 in Canada, in which more than 150,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit children were forced to attend, and many did not leave.

Let us commemorate the day, educate ourselves, and vow that such tragedies will not happen again.

Emotional Support is Available.  Former Residential School students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.