Accordions Demo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet id eros vitae imperdiet. Nullam risus lacus, tincidunt non malesuada eget, ultrices nec ex. Maecenas tincidunt vel eros sit amet semper. Cras eget elit sit amet ligula accumsan finibus. Fusce sollicitudin et justo eget convallis. Nulla facilisi. Nam feugiat, risus sit amet interdum euismod, nibh erat elementum orci, at malesuada orci metus ac libero. Mauris ultrices nunc dolor, sed viverra ante accumsan nec.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet id eros vitae imperdiet. Nullam risus lacus, tincidunt non malesuada eget, ultrices nec ex. Maecenas tincidunt vel eros sit amet semper. Cras eget elit sit amet ligula accumsan finibus. Fusce sollicitudin et justo eget convallis. Nulla facilisi. Nam feugiat, risus sit amet interdum euismod, nibh erat elementum orci, at malesuada orci metus ac libero. Mauris ultrices nunc dolor, sed viverra ante accumsan nec.
Order Your Paint Kit Here
Exterior Paint & Staining Kits
This online order form is for use by “Do-It-Yourself”, retail customers. If you have a Commercial Wholesale Account, please contact your local Branch or Sales Representative.
The online order form generates a request for an order and is transmitted to the branch that the customer specifies within the form. The actual order will be generated once the Cloverdale Paint Representative contacts the customer for details of the order and payment options.
You will receive a call back from the branch that you submitted your order within 2 hours of the branch receiving the order request. Cloverdale Paint is not responsible for any order requests that do not reach the branch due to cellular or computer network deficiencies that are beyond the control of Cloverdale Paint.
The use of this service may incur mobile data charges for the user. User is responsible for those data charges.
We respect the privacy of every individual who visits our website. We take great measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of any personal information on this site. All personal information supplied will remain within our organization and will not be shared with any external entity unless prior permission is given. Your personal information will not be sold, distributed or published in any manner whatsoever.