For Your Home

Paint a Wood Front Door

Project Scenario

Erin the homeowner has a wood front door that she wants to paint without removing the door.


  • Allow yourself plenty of time to prepare, prime, and paint.
  • Start between 8:00am and 10:00am and when the outside temperature is above 60°F.
  • Clean door. Remove mildew with retardant solution if necessary and let dry thoroughly.
  • Use blue long mask tape to tape hinges, door handles, and any other objects that might be in close contact with the door.
  • Lay a drop cloth under the door and secure the door so it does not move white coating.
  • Remove weather stripping from jam, if possible.
  • Sand to achieve a smooth, deglossed substrate with 150 grit sandpaper. Remove all dust from sanding.

Primer Coat

Best:  05910, Prime Solution Bonding Primer

Finish Coat

Best:  0270X, Guardian 100% Acrylic Latex, "Satin" finish 
Better:  0201X, WeatherOne Covercoat, 100% Acrylic Latex, "Satin" finish


Caution! Things to consider

  • Pay attention to sunlight. Direct exposure can cause blisters and reduce flow and leveling.
  • High levels of humidity can affect dry time and uniform sheen appearance.
  • Temperature extremes can affect dry times.
  • Post a wet paint sign with an actual paint dot when starting. Then you can test this spot instead of marring the door.
  • If it is colder outside, pre-warm the door and paint before coating.
  • If brushing or rolling, additives may help flow and leveling, like ______________.

For more information about this or other painting tips & techniques, our paint & coatings products, or general DIY paint and coatings questions, please contact us online or by calling or visiting your local Cloverdale Paint store or Dealer.